About the ZATA Project

The ZATA (Zimbabwe AIDS Treatment Assistance) Project is an IRS section 501©3 non-profit organization established in 2004 in Denver, Colorado in cooperation with the University of Colorado Denver and University of California-San Diego AIDS experts.
Physician scientists from the University of Colorado Denver collaborate with investigators at the University of Zimbabwe in on-going clinical research programs to improve the care and treatment of people with AIDS in Zimbabwe. This collaboration has resulted in funding from a number of governmental and private organizations to conduct research studies to find the most effective combination of antiretroviral drugs to treat Zimbabweans with AIDS. Once patients in the study complete their role, they must purchase the drugs on their own, and most cannot afford them.
The main purpose of the ZATA Project is to provide financial support for therapeutics, medical care and equipment, research grants and other needs identified by the University of Zimbabwe faculty who are on the front lines of fighting the AIDS epidemic for over 900 patients once they have completed their role in the medical research studies. We work closely with the University of Zimbabwe medical faculty to purchase the most cost-effective therapies and equipment that will help the most people.
The ZATA Project distinguishes its fund-raising by selling original Zimbabwean art and artifacts at sponsored events such as auctions or sales in galleries. The ZATA Project also solicits donations from corporations and private individuals.