About the ZATA Events

Fulginiti Pavilion Art and Sculpture Auction 2017
30 November 2017
It was another special night of beautiful art and sculpture from Zimbabwe and fantastic Zimbabwe music from the Boulder-based ZIMbira and its lead vocalist, Zivanai. An enormous thank you to the 110 ZATA art lovers and donors who contributed to a highly successful Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture auction at the Fulginiti Pavilion on the Anschutz Medical Campus on November 30, 2017.
Fulginiti Pavilion Art and Sculpture Auction 2014
2 December 2014
It was a special night of beautiful art and sculpture from Zimbabwe and fantastic Zimbabwe music from the Boulder-based ZIMbira and its lead vocalist, Zivanai. An enormous thank you to the 110 ZATA art lovers and donors who contributed to a highly successful 10-year Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture auction at the Fulginiti Pavilion on the Anschutz Medical Campus on December 2, 2014. ZATA has now raised over $320,000 for AIDS medications, staffing support at the AIDS Research Center at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), a clean water well at UZ to stave off the cholera outbreak and educational support for AIDS orphans. Recently, we have selected the clinical research grants of three young research faculty at UZ who are involved in two interesting HIV-related projects as well as a microloan for 10 HIV-infected women in rural Zimbabwe who are committed to expanding their broccoli farms and reaching self-sufficiency.
Dairy Center for the Arts Art and Sculpture Auction 2013
19 October 2013
The ZATA Project came to Boulder...
On October 19, 2013, a successful Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture Auction was held at the Dairy Center for the Arts in Boulder. Thank you to those who attended, we were able to raise funds for continued support of the AIDS Research Center in Zimbabwe. We could not do this without your support and contributions! We would also like to thank Sally Hatcher for her work in putting together such a successful event, we could not have done it without her!
Fulginiti Pavilion Art and Sculpture Auction 2012
6 December 2012
A very fun and successful Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture Auction was held at the Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus on December 6, 2012. We would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Teresa Jones and David Weil at the Fulginiti Pavilion for making this event so successful. We were able to raise significant funds for the AIDS Research Center at the University of Zimbabwe, which treats over 900 HIV patients.
Denver Art and Sculpture Auction 2010
11 November 2010
The stars were aligned for the festive Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture Auction held at the University of Denver Newman Center’s Joy Burns Atrium on Thursday, November 11, 2010. Not only were the paintings, crafts and Chapungu sculptures simply outstanding, but our guests weighed in by bidding for and buying most of the art. The food, catered by the DU kitchens, and the wine from P.J. Wine and Spirits in Boulder were huge hits, as were the beautiful frames from ABC Framing, Prairie Manor Design, Fast Frame in Cherry Creek and Parker, David Sugar Wholesale, and Mile High Framing. We are especially grateful to Roy Guthrie and Marcey Mushore of the Chapungu Sculpture Gallery in Loveland for donating a part of the proceeds from the sculpture sales, TaRhonda Thomas from Channel 9 News for emceeing the auction, Kathleen Wussow for the gorgeous flower arrangements, Dr. Paul Docktor for taking the fine photos, and Midzi Marimba for the festive Zimbabwean music.
Lastly, we were very proud to hear from Dr. Margaret Borok-Williams of the University Zimbabwe AIDS Research Centre in Harare, that over 800 patients are now being cared for with ZATA Project funds. Thank you ZATA donors and art buyers! In 6 short years, you have made a huge difference in so many Zimbabweans’ lives.
Donor Appreciation Reception at DU
9 September 2009
In addition to hosting the display of ZATA artwork, the DU Women’s College also hosted our ZATA Donor Appreciation Reception on September 9, 2009. Our generous Colorado contributors were invited to attend a fun evening of food, drink, and music to mingle with ZATA board members and view the artwork and sculpture on display. There was a great turnout and we were happy to have the chance to thank so many of the people who help ZATA make a difference in Zimbabwe! The event was underwritten by Gilead Sciences out of Foster City, California, one of ZATA’s longstanding and loyal benefactor.
Zimbabwe Art and Sculpture Show at DU
In Celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the ZATA (Zimbabwe AIDS Treatment Assistance) Project, Beautiful Zimbabwean Artwork and Chapungu Sculpture will be on display for sale until October 31, 2009 at the Hirschfield Gallery, the Women’s College at the University of Denver, The Chambers Center for the Advancement of Women, 1901 E. Asbury Avenue, Denver, CO 80208. (Hours for viewing: M-F, 9:00 am-5:30 pm)
Namaste Gallery/First Friday Denver Highlands
August 2009
Thanks to the generosity of the Namaste Hospice, ZATA participated in our first “First Friday” Art Walk event in the Denver Highlands in August, 2009. We had numerous visitors to our display of artwork and were able to spread the word about ZATA and even sell quite a few pieces! The Namaste Hospice Gallery continued to display ZATA artwork throughout August and invited us back for the September First Friday event. Again, thank you to the Namaste Hospice and Gallery for displaying our art and inviting us to participate in the events – Jane, Jill, and Michelle had a great time and really enjoyed the opportunity to share information about the ZATA project!
Denver Art and Sculpture Auction 2008
8 September 2008
Thank you to all of those who were able to attend our third Zimbabwean art and Chapungu sculpture auction in Denver on September 8, 2008! With great weather, delicious catering by Troy Guard, Café Star, Panzano, and Gateaux, and lots of artwork sold, the event was both a great time as well as a huge success for ZATA. Featured speakers Dr. Connie Benson, Chair of the UC-San Diego AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and Dr. Chiedza Maponga, Senior Lecturer from the University of Zimbabwe, gave great insight into the reality of the AIDS crisis in Zimbabwe and what a valuable role ZATA has and will continue to play in eradicating AIDS in Zimbabwe. The ensemble Vahera, which means “People of the Eland Clan”, led by accomplished Zimbabwean musician Zivanai Masango, brought the beautiful traditional mbira music of Zimbabwe to the our event.
The event raised significant funds which will fund AIDS medications at the University of Zimbabwe AIDS Research Center.
ZATA extends a special thank you to board member, Kit Mura-smith, and her husband, John Ware, for hosting the event in their beautiful home. Additionally, thank you to Roy Guthrie of the Chapungu Gallery for bringing several great pieces of art and generously sharing the proceeds of sales from the Shona sculptures with ZATA. Other generous contributors were Gilead Sciences, direct-edit, Mary Klaasen, Mark Veta, and John, David, and Kathie Oppenheim. We also were fortunate to have beautiful framing of our artwork by The Accessory Warehouse/Prairie Manor Design, The Great Frame-up, David Sugar Wholesale Framing and Mile High Framing.
ZATA World AIDS Day Art Sale in Littleton, CO
30 November - 2 December 2008
The ZATA Project World AIDS Day Art Show and Sale was held the 30th of November through the 2nd of December at Pinon Fine Art in Littleton Colorado. The show and its December 1st reception were graciously hosted by Diane and Jim Kennedy, owners of Pinon Fine Art.
The beautiful downtown Littleton holiday lights created a festive and glittering backdrop for the vibrant and dramatic original Zimbabwean paintings and Chupungu sculptures, the Weya Village story quilts and the wonderful folk art. Patrons looking for unique and original holiday gifts went away happy, as was ZATA for their generosity. A truly wonderful time was had by all. Adding to the merriment was the scrumptious hors’deuves catered by Stella Catering thanks to Mr. Jeff Ehlers and the delicious wines from Lido Wine Merchants of Littleton.
The turnout, though the temperature was in the low 30s, was grand. VIP guests included the team of Dr. Constance Benson and her husband Dr. Robert Schooley, both from the University of California at San Diego, Division of Infectious Diseases; Dr Thomas Campbell and Dr. Steve Johnson from the University of Colorado Health Science Center, Division of Infectious Diseases; Dr. Robert Schreier, former chair of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and his wife, Barbara. Roy and Marcie Guthrie brought their special charm to the event. He is the director and owner of the Chapungu Sculpture Gallery in Loveland Colorado and Harare Zimbabwe, and she is well known for her Zimbabwean songs and for playing the mbira. Roy has brought his magnificent collection of Chapungu sculptures to the Denver Botanic Gardens, as well as other wonderful gardens throughout the world. He has been a great supporter of the ZATA Project and donates proceeds from the sculptures in our show to help buy the important antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV-infected Zimbabweans. As usual, all proceeds from ZATA Project events go directly to funding the purchase of antiretroviral drugs and related treatments to HIV-infected Zimbabweans.
ZATA Partners with UCSD AIDS Research Institute
10 May 2008
On Saturday, 10 May 2008, the ZATA Project and the University of California at San Diego AIDS Research Institute held their first collaborative art sale at Mission Hills United Church of Christ, 4070 Jackdaw Street in San Diego, California. On sale were more than 80 pieces of original Zimbabwean paintings, Weyan Village story quilts, and other folk art rarely seen outside of Zimbabwe.
All proceeds from the sale of art less the cost of the art benefited HIV/AIDS infected Zimbabweans and furthered research projects at the UC-San Diego AIDS Research Institute.
Toronto IAS Global Village Art Sale
13-18 August 2006
Our Thanks to Zimbabwean Art Lovers…
There are few more fulfilling fundraising activities than traveling to an International AIDS Society (IAS) conference and meeting hundreds of wonderful people from all over the world engaged in the fight against HIV/AIDS. We sold out of our Weya story quilts the first day and a half and wished we had brought more. And then, we sold out of our artwork by the third day–85 Zimbabwean paintings had been snapped up! Plus, hundreds of our note card packets were flying off the shelves. Thanks to all of you who bought the ZATA Project artwork. We will be spending the net proceeds from the Toronto sales for antiretroviral drugs for HIV-infected Zimbabweans. So, art lovers not only were able to take home spectacular art that is rarely seen outside of Africa, but they also contributed to helping Zimbabweans stricken with AIDS and talented Zimbabwean artists who have problems showing their work outside of that country. Thank you all so much for coming up and visiting with us and, in so many cases, buying the artwork. We hope that we can replicate our success at the Mexico IAS conference in 2008.
Rain Gods Denver Art and Sculpture Auction 2006
7 September 2006
As the rain started to fall, the spirits began to rise. People rushed to get a final look at the beautiful sculptures placed around the yard before the downpour began.
Once under the protection of the tent, there was time to really look at the artwork brought to Denver from Zimbabwean artists—everything from small paintings to large portraits of Zimbabwean faces. It was as if Zimbabwe was brought to the Capitol Hill home of John Ware and Kit Mura-smith, the ZATA Project secretary.
Drs. Lovemore Gwanzura and Margaret Borok-Williams had come all the way from Zimbabwe to the event to tell of the hope inspired by the ZATA Project’s purchase of antiretroviral drugs and related health care for the people of Zimbabwe infected with and effected by HIV/AIDS.
While people looked at the amazing art work, they were able to enjoy the wonderful hors d’oeuvres donated by some of the top Denver restaurants. Restaurant nine75 assembled fabulous charred Ahi tuna tacos, Luca d’Italia featured a wonderful wild mushroom & truffle bruschetta with blue cheese fondutta, Café Star served Grilled Prawns with a lemon Buerre Blanc & minted sugar snap pea puree plus Medjoul dates wrapped in homemade bresaola & stuffed with goat cheese-basil mousse. Panzanos offered delicious prosciutto wrapped bread sticks with white truffle accompanied by blackberry lemon mousse shooters. Finally, Catering by Design cooked up duck wontons, pork tenderloins, a baked cheese platter, and a sinful black forest spoon cake. To compliment the excellent food, Character Builders Colorado donated an array of wonderful wines, and Ryburn Davis provided beautiful flower arrangements.
Dr. Guthrie generously donated one-half of all proceeds from the sale of the sculptures in the garden to the ZATA Project. Zimbabwe was home to the Guthries before moving to the U.S.
The ZATA Project is extremely grateful to all for making this a premiere event for the almost 200 attendees.
The evening of silent and live auction came to a very successful conclusion, in spite of the rain. All funds raised will be going directly to the purchase of antiretroviral drugs and related health care for HIV/AIDS infected patients and to the purchase of original art to support the artists’ community in Zimbabwe.
ZATA also wishes to thank the following sponsors, benefactors, and patrons for their generous support making this event possible:
Abbott Laboratories
Gilead Sciences
Pfizer, Inc
John A. Ware
Central Property Management, Altamonte Springs FLA
Theodore Knowles
Contributing Organizations
Thank You to our Generous Contributing Organizations:
The Robert James Francino Foundation
This California AIDS Foundation has recently presented one of its eight annual grants to the ZATA Project.
Mendocino Community Health Clinic Staff, Ukiah, California
Dr. Johanna Brown and the staff of the Ryan White Care Act Title III Clinic, at the Mendocino Community Health Clinic in Ukiah, California, held Valentine’s Day auction and raffle, raising an impressive amount of funds for the ZATA Project. We understand that the events were a lot of fun and raised significant funds to help HIV-infected Zimbabweans.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Denver Representatives
A very fun costume Halloween Party with live music by CLUSTERFUNK was held at the Cafe del Sol on Saturday, October 29, 2005. Funds for the ZATA Project were raised at this fun party. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will be generously matching these funds. Thank You everyone involved!
International AIDS Society-USA
The ZATA Project sincerely thanks the International AIDS Society-USA for sponsoring ZATA Project art sales in conjunction with its educational programs in the Spring 2005 in several cities throughout the United States: Atlanta, New York City, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Chicago and San Francisco.
Past Art Auctions
In Arizona:
On December 3, 2005, the ZUVA Gallery at el Pedregal in Scottsdale, Arizona hosted a lovely and educational fundraiser on behalf of the ZATA Project. Art lovers from Phoenix and surrounding areas heard from University of Colorado and University of California AIDS researchers and a Zimbabwean AIDS researcher about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and the need for financial support of AIDS drugs in Zimbabwe in particular. The art auction that followed their presentations was a huge success and raised significant funds for the ZATA Project. The ZATA Project Board sincerely thanks the ZUVA Gallery and its patrons for their generous support.
In San Francisco:
On Wednesday, June 1, 2005, the ZATA Project in collaboration with the UCSF Women’s Global Health Imperative and the International AIDS Society-USA, held its first Zimbabwean Art Auction in San Francisco at the Hyatt Grand on Union Square. As with the Denver auction, this was a wonderful occasion to enjoy Zimbabwean art, including original acrylic and oil paintings, beautiful “story quilts”, and powerful sculptures. Mbira music was played by Zimbabwean musician, Phillip Machingura. We appreciate the contributions of the Honorary Board for this event: Chair, Dr. Haile Debas, Dr. Nancy Padian, David Green, MPH, Dr. Molly Cooke and Ms. Sharon Gordon.
In Denver:
On Thursday, September 23, 2004, the Zimbabwe AIDS Treatment Assistance Project (ZATA Project) launched a silent auction of approximately 100 paintings of Zimbabwean artists at the Hyatt Regency Conference Center in Denver, Colorado. This event was held in conjunction with Brother Jeff’s HIV/AIDS Community African-American Conference which began the next day at the Hyatt. All proceeds from the sale of the paintings will go to the Medical School in Harare, Zimbabwe to pay for AIDS drugs for HIV-infected Zimbabwean citizens.
In Vancouver:
A big thank you to our friends in Vancouver British Columbia for selling our Zimbabwean paintings at a private Zimbabwean Art for A.R.T. party. ZATA Board members attending the Toronto International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference sold several paintings to one wonderful individual, who in turn offered to sell additional paintings to her friends in Vancouver at the April party. Paintings will continue to be sold in Vancouver at private showings through the summer. It is through the generous hearts of such individuals that we expand the important work that ZATA does to support HIV/AIDS infected patients in Zimbabwe. Thank you Vancouverites!